Climate Research Centre

The Ötscher, a mountain in the eastern part of Austria, and its surrounding area will be developed into a research region for the effects of climate change on biodiversity, land use, and society. This project aims at having a model effect for the Alpine region and supporting the achievement of the objectives of the Alpine Convention.

The initiative is an important step towards better understanding climate change, its effects on the Alpine habitat, and working on solutions for the future. The aim is to answer urgent questions of the Alpine inhabitants through applied research and to develop adaptation strategies. Through cooperation with educational institutions, knowledge is passed on. A positive feasibility study for the project is available and first implementation steps have already been taken.

Osnovni podatki

2020 - open
v teku
Spletna stran
Biotska raznovrstnost in varstvo narave, Podnebne spremembe, Gozd, Zeleno gospodarstvo, Hribovsko kmetijstvo, Naravne nevarnosti, Prebivalstvo in kultura, Kakovost življenja, Urejanje prostora, Varstvo tal, Promet, Turizem, Vodno gospodarstvo
Naturpark Ötscher-Tormäuer
Alpske držaeve

Cilji trajnostnega razvoja

ciljev 3

Zdravje in dobro počutje

ciljev 4

Kakovostno izobraževanje

ciljev 11

Trajnostna mesta in skupnosti

ciljev 12

Odgovorna poraba in proizvodnja

ciljev 13

Podnebni ukrepi

ciljev 15

Življenje na kopnem

ciljev 17

Partnerstva za doseganje ciljev

ciljev 5

Enakost spolov

ciljev 8

Dostojno delo in gospodarska rast

ciljev 9

Industrija, inovacije in infrastruktura

ciljev 10

Zmanjšanje neenakosti


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