EUSALP Ministrska konferenca o alpski zeleni infrastrukturi


Danes, 2. oktobra je v München-u potekala konferenca EUSALP ministrov za okolje na temo alpske zelene infrastrukture. Ob tej priložnosti so visoki predstavniki alpskih držav in regij sprejeli skupno deklaracijo o „Alpski zeleni infrastrukturi – združiti prizadevanja za naravo, ljudi in gospodarstvo“.  Poleg tega so župani alpskih območij podpisali Memorandum o pomenu „Alpske zelene infrastrukturne mestne mreže“. Generalni sekretar Markus Reiterer je izpostavil, da ima zelena infrastruktura znatno zmožnost ozelenitve gospodarstva: „Poročilo o stanju Alp na temo zelenega gospodarstva, ki ga je pripravila Alpska konvencija, predstavlja trdno osnovo na tem področju.

Today, on 2 October, the Conference of the EUSALP Ministers for the Environment on Alpine Green Infrastructure took place in Munich. In occasion of the meeting, the high-level representatives of Alpine states and regions adopted a joint declaration on “Alpine Green Infrastructure – Joining forces for nature, people and the economy”. In addition a Memorandum of Understanding on an “Alpine Green Infrastructure Cities Network” was signed by mayors of the Alpine area. Secretary General Markus Reiterer highlighted, that Green Infrastructure has considerable potential for greening the economy. “The Report of the State of the Alps on Green Economy published by the Alpine Convention provides solid basis for unlocking this potential”. 


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