In metropolitan areas and agglomerations, building space is scarce and expensive, resulting in commuter flows and traffic problems. Careful handling of land requires local and regional initiatives as well as cross-border cooperation, because soils provide a fundamental basis not only for food sovereignty and prosperity, but for all life.
In the frame of its work program, EUSALP Action Group 6 elaborated the draft Declaration “Sustainable Land Use and Soil Protection – Joining Forces for Nature, People and the Economy”.
All interested stakeholder groups, such as associations representing the interests of farmers, foresters, transport, energy, water management, trade and industry, tourism, environmental organizations, urban and regional planning agencies as well as research institutions, are invited to participate in the survey that collects feedback on the draft declaration on sustainable land use and soil protection. The comments and suggestions collected will be taken into consideration whenever possible. The consultation will be open until 26 September 2018.
Public administrations of the EUSALP States and Regions will be able to give their feedback through a separate written consultation. A participation of these public administrations in the survey is therefore not required.