Water Management in the Alps Platform (2009-2019)
Chairs: Italy & Slovenia
Water is one of the 12 main issues listed in the Alpine Convention in Article 2. However, this specific issue has not yet been covered by a specific protocol. The objective of the Alpine Convention concerning water management is to preserve or re-establish healthy water systems, in particular by keeping lakes and rivers free of pollution, by applying natural hydraulic engineering techniques, and by using water power in such a way that the interests of both the indigenous population and the environment are served alike.
The Alpine Convention instituted a Platform on water issues in 2009 at the X Alpine Conference following the adoption of the second Report on the State of the Alps Water and Water Management Issues. The objectives and recommendations identified in this report served as the guidelines for the Platform. In addition, the Action Plan on Climate Change in the Alps, adopted at the X Alpine Conference, also adopted at the X. Alpine Conference, contains several issues related to water management, such as, the reinforcement of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive, the prevention of water shortages and the development of plants according to the ecology of watercourses. Moreover, the Action Plan requires prompt and collective action from the Contracting Parties of the Alpine Convention to limit the impact of climate change, particularly by developing guidelines for the construction, optimisation and rehabilitation of small hydroelectric power stations while respecting aquatic environments and biodiversity. In the Multi-Annual Work Programme water issues correspond to four of the priorities: Addressing climate change, Greening the economy, Biodiversity and EUSALP (AG6).
In the 2016-2019 mandate period, two topics were addressed:
How to face drought periods in the Alpine region: from analysis of climate data (rain/snow patterns and scenarios) to strategic planning;
Follow-up on the guidelines on small hydropower: evaluation and further recommendations.
Furthermore, the proceedings of the conference on drought/water scarcity were drafted and spread together with an evaluation report on guideline on small hydropower.
Overview of activities, documents and results
- Activtiy Report 2016-2019
- Facing droughts in the Alpine region. Experiences, approaches and common challenges (2019)
- Application of the Common Guidelines for the use of Small Hydropower in the Alpine region (2019)
- ForumAlpinum and 7th Water Conference: Water in the Alps: Management of hydrological extremes and of sustainable hydropower use, 5 June 2018
- 2nd Workshop on Drought Risk Management in the Alps, 23 January 2018
- Expert Workshop on Drought Risk Management in the Alps, 14 September 2017
- 6th International Conference “Water in the Alps”: Water Management in a Field of Conflicting Interests: Between Natural Hazards and Nature Protection, as part of the AlpWeek 2016; Herrenchiemsee, Germany, 12 October 2016
- Short report on management of hydromorphological processes and good practices in the field in the Alpine context
- Guidelines on local adaptation to Climate Change for Water Management And Natural Hazards in the Alps (2014)
- Flood Directive (2007/60/CE) and Water Framework Directive (2000/60/CE) in the Alpine context (2014)
- Common Guidelines for the use of small hydropower in the Alpine Region - Alpine Signals Focus 1 (2011)
- Annex 1: Good practices examples for the use of small hydropower
- Annex 2: Inspiring internet links on small hydropower and guidance documents
- Situation report on hydropower generation in the Alps focusing on small hydropower generation in the Alps focusing on small hydropower (2011)
- Proceedings of the third International Conference on Water in the Alps (2010)
- National questionnaires on hydropower generation in Alpine countries