Slovenian Presidency of the Alpine Convention

At the XVII Alpine Conference (27 October 2022), Slovenia took over the presidency of the Alpine Convention for the period 2023-2024 from Switzerland. The focus of the Slovenian presidency, in close cooperation with the other Contracting Parties, the Observers, and the Permanent Secretariat, is to promote the topic of quality of life in the Alps.

During its two-year presidency, Slovenia will focus on three priority areas: quality of life as the main topic, environmental education with an emphasis on climate change, and biodiversity.

  • Through activities in these thematic areas, the Slovenian Presidency will contribute to the implementation of the three priorities of the new Multi-Annual Work Programme of the Alpine Conference 2023-2030: Conserving and valuing Alpine biodiversity and ecosystems, taking ambitious climate action, and enabling a good quality of life for the people in the Alps.
  • Quality of life has not yet been comprehensively addressed within the framework of the Alpine Convention, although it is addressed by both the Framework Convention and the Declaration "Population and Culture". Quality of life emphasises the need to balance economic interests with environmental conditions, ensuring the basics for the standard of living of the Alpine population. This includes preserving living spaces, quality of life, and equal opportunities for people living in the Alps. Slovenia wants to take a step forward and give this field a new impetus.
  • Educators are important stakeholders in the implementation of the Alpine Convention’s climate goals and its Climate Action Plan 2.0. Slovenia therefore intends to highlight the inclusion of climate change in formal education, with an emphasis on experiential learning in nature, and to encourage possible future cooperation in this area.
  • Alpine biodiversity and efforts on the topic are important both at the level of the Alps and at the wider regional and global level. Slovenia therefore wishes to highlight the original contribution of the Alpine Convention to the implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework (Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework).

In connection with these topics, the Slovenian presidency will lead or support the following activities

  • The preparation of the 10th Report on the State of the Alps on quality of life, which should be adopted by the XVIII Alpine Conference. In cooperation with the Contracting Parties, Observers, Thematic Working Bodies and stakeholders, a comprehensive review of the situation will be prepared. The findings and recommendations will be a guide for further activities as part of the implementation of the Multi-Annual Work Programme 2023-2030 in this priority area.
  • The pan-Alpine network of Mountaineering Villages came together in Slovenia from 31 May to 2 June 2024 for its annual meeting on the topic of cultural heritage. By preserving tangible and intangible cultural heritage, the Mountaineering Villages strive to strengthen both the tourism offer as well as local identities associated with belonging to the Alpine area and the quality of life of the population. The Constructive Alps exhibition – the sixth travelling exhibition showcasing sustainable renovation and construction – will also draw attention to these aspects.
  • A conference on environmental education with an emphasis on climate change was organised from 28 to 29 September in Bohinj, Slovenia, under the title "Schools for climate action in the Alps". The presentations and outputs from the conference are available here. The Slovenian Presidency’s aim for the conference was to highlight experiential learning in nature as part of the formal educational process as well as an opportunity to change current behaviour and the behaviour of future generations in relation to climate change.
  • In the framework of the climate change topic and youth activities, Slovenia is supporting the YOALIN project, which raises awareness about sustainable forms of travel among young people and contributes to the goals of decarbonising transport in the Alps as per the Simplon Alliance agreement. The YOALIN launch event was held from 23 to 25 June 2023 in Bohinj, Slovenia, the 2024 edition was kicked-off in Ljubljana from 28-30 June 2024.
  • The 2023 edition of the Alpine Convention Photo Contest was supported by the Presidency. The topic was “From pasture to plate” and aimed to showcase the diversity of Alpine food heritage. The Presidency also supports the 2024 edition of the Photo Contest themed "Life beneath the canopies". 
  • From 12 to 14 June 2024, a conference on biodiversity was organised with an emphasis on the Alpine Convention’s contributions to the implementation of the global framework for biodiversity after 2020. The Convention's work in this field will be a point of departure to discuss future activities. The conference was organised back-to-back with the ForumAlpinum which outlined the scientific research on Alpine biodiversity and geodiversity. Find out more about the conference and the results in the padlet.
  • Responding to changes in the environment (e.g. climate change, biodiversity loss) and their role in quality of life is also the topic of the Young Academics Award, which is supported by the Slovenian Presidency in cooperation with ISCAR. The deadline for applications is 31 July 2024.
  • The Presidency is supporting the organisation of the Alpweek by the Alpine Convention Observers, which will take place from 23 to 25 September 2024 in Nova Gorica.
  • The Slovenian Presidency will conclude with the XVIII Alpine Conference on 22 January 2025 in Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia.

Period Presidency Alpine Conference
2021-2022 Switzerland Brig
2019-2020 France online
2016-2019 Austria Innsbruck
2015-2016 Germany Grassau
2013-2014 Italy Turin
2011-2012 Switzerland Poschiavo
2009-2011 Slovenia Brdo
2007-2008 France Evian (March 2009)
2005-2006 Austria Alpbach
2003-2004 Germany Garmisch-Partenkirchen
2001-2002 Italy Merano
1999-2000 Switzerland Lucerne
1996-1998 Slovenia Bled
1995-1996 Slovenia Brdo
1991-1994 France Chambery
1989-1991 Austria Salzburg



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