64th Permanent Committee on Biodiversity

In Gmunden on 4-5 October, the Permanent Committee had at its second meeting under the Austrian presidency, with a focus on the Multiannual Work Programme (MAP) priority topics 3 and 4: biodiversity, landscape and green economy. Besides the in-depth presentations about the work of the Alpine Convention on large carnivores (WISO PF) and biodiversity and landscape (ECONET), some of the Observer organisations presented their work on the main topics as well.

Other topics discussed were: the role of women in the Alps, the 7th Report on the state of the Alps on the topic of natural hazards, sustainable travel in the Alps, the Young Academics Award (link), the Reading mountains initiative, sustainable event organiyation (green events), EUSALP, activities on the topic of Green economy, Climate Change and Mountain Agriculture. Contracting parties and Observers reported on the implementation of the MAP.

An excursion on the topic to the eastern flank of the Traunsee was organised to see the natural reforestation of the Gschliefgraben after a severe landslide in 2007 and the challenges for forest management. 


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