Virtual workshop of the Chairs of Thematic Working Bodies of the Alpine Convention

On 12 November, the Chairs of the Thematic Working Bodies (TWB) of the Alpine Convention were invited by the French Presidency and the Permanent secretariat to a virtual workshop. The main results of the work of each TWB over the last two years, as well as the draft Mandates which will guide the work of each Group for 2021-2022, were presented.

The workshop was structured around four of the six priorities of the Multi-Annual Work Programme (MAP) of the Alpine Convention 2017-2022: “Taking action on climate change”, “Conserving and valuing biodiversity and landscape”, “Greening the economy”, and “Promoting sustainable transport”.

The meeting allowed discussions on how to promote synergies between the TWBs over the next years especially in light of the Multi-Annual Work Programme, cooperation with EUSALP Action Groups and other Alpine Convention activities.

#News of Thematic Working Bodies

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