Celebrating 30 years of the Alpine Convention at the Permanent Committee

The 73rd Permanent Committee meeting of the Alpine Convention once again took place online. Delegates from around the Alps discussed a diverse range of topics, including the upcoming conference of the transport and environment ministers of the Alpine countries on 14 January 2022.

The meeting also focused on biodiversity in the Alpine region, with two of the Alpine Convention’s Thematic Working Bodies, the Alpine Biodiversity Board (ABB) and the Large Carnivores, Wild Ungulates and Society Working Group (WISO), speaking about their work. Delegates also learnt about three other projects relating to Alpine biodiversity: OpenSpaceAlps, INNsieme, and the Slovenian city of Idrija's actions in the frame of the “Climate Action in Alpine Towns” project.

The Swiss Presidency of the Alpine Convention also updated the Permanent Committee on its Presidency programme including ongoing work to prepare the Convention’s Multiannual Work Programme 2023-2030.

The 73rd Permanent Committee meeting was not only a time to talk about current issues, but also a chance to look back at some of the history of the Convention, which celebrated its 30th anniversary on 7 November 2021. Thanks to a presentation from the Austrian Head of Delegation, Ewald Galle, the delegates took a trip down memory lane of the Alpine Convention.

This anniversary marked three decades since the leaders of the Alpine countries sat down on 7 November 1991 to sign a pioneering agreement for the protection and sustainable development of the Alps. This created a unique, legally binding sustainability instrument aimed at safeguarding the sensitive Alpine ecosystems, the regional cultural identities and heritage in the Alps now and for the future.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary, a celebratory video was produced with contributions from the Ministers and delegates from the Contracting Parties, Observer organisations, Infopoints and many other valuable partners from across the Alpine region. Kind and inspiring messages arrived from past and present members of the Alpine Convention family – these can be watched in the anniversary video.

In addition to this look back, the Permanent Committee also looked ahead to the future – with the launch of the new Alpine Convention video. Through beautiful and captivating scenery and a symphonic soundtrack composed specially for the video, the film introduces the Alpine Convention and the important work it does in the Alpine region. The new video is available on the YouTube channel of the Alpine Convention.


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