Today, on Friday 18. May, the 8th Slovenian Alpine Convention Day was organized by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial planning and many Slovenian stakeholders. With the presentation of the sixth Report on the state of the Alps and with the discussion on the significance of Green Economy for the Slovenian Alpine area a series of events that will take place until the end of May in various parts of the Slovenian Alps opened. The day was also an opportunity to highlight the importance of mobility in the Alps by opening a new wagon of the train connecting Bohinj and Posočje. A high level delegation – including the minister and several mayors – took the train ride and concluded the day in Tolmin, where a new Infopoint of the Alpine Convention was inaugurated at the Soča Valley Development Center. Mr Reiterer described the day as “very successful! I am always happy to come to the Slovenian Alps, not only for its beauty – though it is beautiful, but also because it feels like the Alpine Convention really comes to life here; people live with nature, stakeholders are active and many good projects are coming along. Establishing after Mojstrana our second Slovenian info-point in Tolmin is therefore a logical consequence and I am sure the team will do good work in promoting the goals of the Convention.”