Young Academics Award 2012

Demographic Shift and Climate Change

Award winning theses

The prizes for the Young Academics competition of the Alpine Convention in its 2012 edition have been awarded to: 

  1. Elena Ferrario: "Comelico staying or leaving. Reasons to Return to an Alpine Valley"
  2. Robert Steiger: "Climate Change Impact on Skiing Tourism in Tyrol"  
  3. Frieder Voll: "The Significance of the Factor "Accessibility" in the Alps" 

Additionally, two special prizes have been awarded:  

  • Giulia Testori: "Nuove Kamunje Strategie pre un Graduale Ripopolamento dell Valli del Natisone" 
  • Johannes Schmied: "Acceptance for Infrastructure for Renewable Energy in Alpine Destinations by Tourists" 

Call: Best work on policy relevant to Alpine issues (closed)


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