Mountain Forests: The ecosystem services of Alpine forests


The state of the Alpine Forests: a first overview from the works of the WG on "Mountain Forests" of the Alpine Convention
by: Francesco Dellagiacoma, President of the Working Group Mountain Forests of the Alpine Convention
Forest Management and the forest sector: the case of the Autonomous Province of Trento
by: Maurizio Zanin and Alessandro Wolynski, Forest service Autonomous Province of Trento
Forest management and wood chian in Switzerland
by: Christoph Duerr, Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, Forest Division
The role of Alpine ecosystem services in and for sustainable development
by: Davide Geneletti, Urban planning and Design Research Group, University Trento 

Forests, climate and green economy between wood and energy production and CO2 sequestration
by: Hubert Hasenauer, Institute of Silviculture, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Wien
The potential role of forest ecosystem services as a tool for territorial development: case studies from Italy and abroad
by: Davide Pettenella, Forest policy, Department of land, Environment, Agricolture and Forestry University of Padua
Forests, rural development, green infrastructure and ecosystem services
Tamas Szedlak, European Commission, DG AGRI
The Economics of Alpine non-wood forest products: the multifunctional role of forests in a green economy
by: Filippo Brun, Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Environmental Economics and Engineering, University of Turin
Mappatura dei servizi ecosistemici nelle aree forestali del Trentino
by: Marika Ferrari, University of Trento

Ricognizione dei servizi ecosistemici delle foreste alpine
by: Uta Schirpke, Institute for Alpine Environment EURAC, Bolzano


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