Visit to Liechtenstein

As his first official visit in the New Year, Secretary General met with the Liechtenstein Minister for Home Affairs, Education and Environment, Ms Dominique Gantenbein.

The discussion mainly focussed on the close and productive cooperation with the Principality. Among numerous activities, Liechtenstein will graciously be hosting the next meeting of the Permanent Committee taking place in June under the Austrian Presidency and actively supported the Reading Mountain festival, most recently through the organisation of an Alpine poetry slam.

The Minister and the Secretary General also highlighted the importance of initiatives concerning education and the youth, including e.g. the Young Academics Award of the Alpine Convention and the Youth Parliament and exchanged views on the essential topic of protective forests in their function for practically all activities in the Alpine region.

During their visit, the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General, Ms Elmi also visited the offices of CIPRA International which has its seat in Liechtenstein.

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