Visit of Secretary General Markus Reiterer to Italian State Secretary Barbara Degani

Wednesday 1 March the Secretary General of the Alpine Convention, Markus Reiterer, met the Italian State Secretary Ms Barbara Degani at the Italian Ministry of the Environment in Rome.

The meeting, organized with the support and the cooperationof the Italian Delegation to the Alpine Convention, allowed a discussion on important issues such as the strategic role of the Italian alpine territory in the framework of the Alpine Convention, the involvement of the Italian Delegation in events organized and supported by the Permanent Secretariat, for instance the organization of an event dedicated to the presentation of the upcoming  Report on the state of the Alps (RSA 6) focusing on green economy and the organization of the edition 2017 of the cultural event “Reading Mountains”, as well as the important role played by the Italian Delegation in the Working Groups and Platforms which it is chairing for the next two years; and last but not least, the contribution that the Permanent Secretariat can provide to all these tasks through its Branch Office in Bolzano/Bozen.

SecretaryGeneral Reiterer affirmed “the role of the Italian Alps is dear to the Alpine Conventionand I am pleased about the new opportunities for cooperation which will involve the Permanent Secretariat and the Italian Delegation in the next future, which, I am certain, will encounter as in the past a great interest and success”.


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