The Alpine Convention at the second Hindu Kush Himalaya Science-Policy Forum

The interface between science and policy in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) was the focus of the recent “Second Hindu Kush Himalaya Science-Policy Forum: Climate and Cryosphere Crisis” in Kathmandu, Nepal from 21 to 22 September. The Forum was organised by ICIMOD, the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development.

The aim of the Forum was to review knowledge and policies, identify gaps and discuss solutions, and formulate evidence-based recommendations for ICIMOD regional member countries in light of the rapidly changing cryosphere and everything it entails.

The Alpine Convention was represented by Deputy Secretary General of the Alpine Convention, Wolfger Mayrhofer, who spoke about science-policy activities and interlinkages as well as cooperation in the Alpine region during a session on global mountain networks.

He focused on relevant science-policy examples in the Alpine Convention such as the Reports on the State of the Alps, which provide the basis for policy decisions. Other relevant activities highlighted included the System for the Observation and Information on the Alps (SOIA), cooperation activities with other institutions such as the Virtual Alpine Observatory, and the Young Academics Award.   

I was delighted to be in Kathmandu and join the interesting discussions at this second Science-Policy Forum. Inter-regional cooperation between mountain areas is not a one-way street. The Alpine Convention aims to both learn from other mountain areas and to share the experiences gathered in the past 30 years,” emphasised Deputy Secretary General Wolfger Mayrhofer.

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