Productive exchange of views between Alpine Convention and Arge Alp

The meeting of the heads of government of the member regions of Arge Alp on 30.06.2017 in Lautrach/Bavaria served primarily as an exchange of important institutional actors in the Alpine Region: Alpine Convention, Alpine Space Program, EUSALP and precisely Arge Alp. Secretary General Reiterer emphasized the strong interlinking of the activities of the Alpine Convention and of the actions of Arge Alp in the fields of climate change, transport and mobility as well as mountain farming. “The Alpine Regions are core partners for implementing the Alpine Convention” stated Secretary General Reiterer. Furthermore the Conference offered an opportunity to present the 6th Report on the state of the Alps on greening the economy in the Alpine Region, the guidelines on balancing intensive and extensive forms of tourism and the recommendations for action in favor of the preservation of protected areas maintaining their protective purpose. 


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