Presenting RSA 6 at the Infopoint of the Alpine Convention in Domodossola (I)

Today -23rd May 2017 – the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention, in collaboration with the Infopoint of the Alpine Convention in Domodossola, organized two public events to present the new RSA 6 focusing on “Greening the economy in the Alpine region". In the morning an event with High Schools in Domodossola took place, during which the Alpine Convention, its main activities, objectives and the topic of green economy and its importance for the Alps has been illustrated by Deputy Secretary General Marianna Elmi, who affirmed:

“It was a pleasure presenting the Report on the state of the Alps on Green Economy to a group of students, also because this will be the generation that in the next future will be able to implement  the true potential of the alpine territory for a green economy”.
In the evening the Report was presented during an open event in the presence of the main local administrators of the Province of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola and the local population.
Secretary General Markus Reiterer stated: “Greening the Alpine economy is a key challenge for the years to come! I am glad that the Alpine Convention has decided to take up this challenge for the benefit of all."
The Secretary General also took the opportunity to warmly thank the region, the municipality and ArsUni VCO for their invaluable support of the Alpine Convention.


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