Impulses for sustainable land use

Setting impulses for intelligent land use and sustainable municipalities was the main objective of the Impuls4Action project, which was developed within EUSALP Action Group 6 and carried out with partners from the Action Groups 1 and 7. The project focused on creating a toolbox for local and regional actors containing measures for soil protection in the fields of water management, inner development and the conservation of peatlands. Make sure to check out the toolbox “Less Land Take”!

The final Impuls4Action conference on 20 May 2021 focused on the implementation of measures for sustainable land use and soil protection. Experts and youth representatives explored these measures from the perspectives of science, economy, society, and the environment. Secretary General of the Alpine Convention Alenka Smerkolj emphasised that in the long run, the conservation and sustainable management of our Alpine natural wealth can only be achieved through cooperation and the involvement of the main stakeholders.  


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