Celebrating 25 years of Alpine Convention

Today in Salzburg the president of the Alpine Convention, Federal Minister Andrä Rupprechter, officially presented the programme of the Austrian Presidency and opened the celebrations of the 25 years of the Alpine Convention that was signed on 7. November 1991 in Salzburg.

Today in Salzburg the president of the Alpine Convention, Federal Minister Andrä Rupprechter, officially presented the programme of the Austrian Presidency and opened the celebrations of the 25 years of the Alpine Convention that was signed on 7. November 1991 in Salzburg. High level representatives from the Alpine Countries, members of the observer organizations and many friends of the Alpine Convention joined in the celebration. SG Reiterer particularly welcomed retired Minister Ruth Feldgrill-Zankel, who had signed the Alpine Convention for Austria in 1991.

In his speech SG Reiterer highlighted the importance of cooperation to implement the Alpine Convention, “which today may be even more relevant than 25 years ago”. He also stressed that the Alpine Region is in a time of change, which also underlines the importance of adapting to the new circumstances also in the way business is carried out in our region. “Just doing more of the same cannot be the answer to massively changing conditions. The people of the Alps are smarter than that, more innovative” said Reiterer.

Then 25 years celebration also provided the setting for the promulgation of the fourth call of the Constructive Alps Award. Minister Amann Marxer from Liechtenstein while presenting the new call highlighted the importance of sustainable building and renovation as a key ingredient for a sustainable economy in the Alpine region.


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