Reading Mountains Festival 2023

Thanks from the Secretary General of the Alpine Convention, Alenka Smerkolj

The 2023 Reading Mountains Festival once again marked a joyful celebration of Alpine cultural diversity!

In its ninth edition, the Reading Mountains Festival united enthusiasts of both mountains and literature, hosting over 100 events across the Alps and beyond. The events, organised on and around International Mountain Day 2023 on 11 December, paid tribute in diverse and artistic ways to the linguistic and cultural heritage of the Alpine region.

I want to wholeheartedly thank the Secretariat team, our Infopoints, the countless local volunteers, authors and musicians, bookshops, libraries and schools who contributed to the Festival and enriched our minds and souls. A special thanks to all the visitors who took the time to join one of the enlightening events.

Here is an overview of all the events that took place in the scope of the Reading Mountains Festival 2023:


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