The workshop was organized in the framework of the activities of the working group on demographic changes of the Alpine Convention, the Italian Presidency of the Convention, together with the fundamental cooperation of ISTAT, Region Piemonte, UNCEM Piemonte, Municipality of Ostana, the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention and the project Adapt2DemographicChanges
The event compared the expertiese of the Alpine Convention and of the European territorial cooperation projects on the issue of demographic changes. Programme of the event can be found here.
The presentations of the workshop can be found here: 

Presentation of the activities of the Alpine Convention’s expert group for the 5th Report on the State of the Alps, devoted to demographic changes and their drivers 
S.Gazzelloni, ISTAT – President of the expert group

The contributions of the projects DIAMONT, CAPACities, COMUNIS, DEMOCHANGE, PADIMA, PUSEMOR, OPEN-ALPS to the activities of the expert group on demographic changes – the cooperation and the case studies P.P.Viazzo, University of Turin and former President of the expert group; A.Bianchini, Technical-scientific Secretariat of the Italian Presidency of the Alpine Convention

Project Re-turn (countermeasures against depopulation and brain drain) 
N.Mignone, UNCEM Piemonte

Project ADAPT2DC (governance and service management in the depopulated areas) 
N.Mignone, UNCEM Piemonte

Project MigrAlp (migratory fluxes between Italy and Austria) 
R.Girardi, Eurac Research

Project HELPS (housing and home-help for elderly and vulnerable people) 
M.Apuzzo, Region Friuli Venezia Giulia

Project ALIAS (Alpine Hospitals Networking for Improved Access to Telemedicine Service) and Project NATHCARE (ageing and demographic change)
N.Allegretti, Lombardy Informatics

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