Mountain Forests: A green infrastructure for growth

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Chair: P. Angelini, Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, 
E. Calvo ERSAF Lombardia, Italian Head of Delegation Working Group "Mountain Forests" of the Alpine Convention 
The state of the Alpine forests: first results from the Working Group on "Mountain Forests" of the Alpine Convention
by: F. Dellagiacoma, President, Working Group "Mountain Forests" of the Alpine Convention 
The Forest-Wood-Energy chain in the Region of Lombardy: a green capital for promoting the EU2020 Agenda goals in mountain areas 
by: R. Carovigno, Region of Lombardy
Challenges for Sustainable Forest Management in an Alpine country - the case of Austria
by: W. Sekot, University of Natural Resources and Life Science – BOKU Vienna
The "Rovaniemi Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy" 
by: A. Kacprzak, UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section
The wood chain in Austria: how participatory processes can foster green economy and promote sustainability principles 
by: J. Schima, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
The Italian forestry sector: challenges and opportunities in light of the EU 2014 - 2020 Financial Programmes
by: L. Cesaro, National Institute of Agricultural Economics - INEA  
Valorizing mountain forests multi-functionality: case studies of silvo-tourism in the Alps 
by: G. Battistel, Foundation Edmund Mach - S. Michele 


The Due Diligence Regulation and the promotion of local wood chain as a leverage for an Alpine green economy
by: C. Garrone, FederLegnoArredo
Measures and experiences for accounting the sequestration of CO2 by Alpine forests 
by: G. Matteucci, National Research Council of Italy (CNR)


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